Kybella, by Allergan offered at Seaport Medspa, is used to treat submental fullness, commonly referred to as a "double chin." Submental fullness occurs when there is an accumulation of fat beneath the chin, resulting in the appearance of a double chin.
Kybella is administered through a series of injections directly into the fat beneath the chin. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the submental fat, Kybella works to destroy fat cells, causing them to be eliminated from the body over time.
Prior to receiving Kybella at Seaport Medspa it's important to read and follow the below pre and post treatment instructions.
Kybella Pre-Care
Upcoming Special Event in the next 4-weeks?
Schedule your Kybella appointment at least 4-weeks prior to a special event you are attending, such as a wedding or a vacation because of bruising and prolonged swelling.
Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Medications 14-Days Prior
Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications 14-days prior to treatment. Medications such as: Aspirin, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil Supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.
No Alcoholic Beverages 7-Days Prior To Treatment
Do not consume alcoholic beverages 7-days prior to treatment because alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising.
Arnica Tablets 7-Days Prior To Treatment
Consider taking Arnica tablets beginning 7-days prior to treatment to prevent bruising.
Avoid These Products 2-Days Prior
Do not use the following products 2-days prior to your treatment: Retin-A, retinoids, or similar vitamin A compounds, harsh scrubs or exfoliating products, or bleaching creams.
Cold Sore or Severe Rash?
Reschedule your appointment if you have a severe rash, cold sore, or blemish in the treatment area.
Clean Skin Day Of Treatment
Kybella patients should arrive with clean skin. There should be no lotion, make-up, perfume, powder or shower oil present on the skin in the area to be treated.
Full And Hydrated Day Of Treatment
To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, ensure you have had a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure. Please warn the provider if you have a history of fainting.
Kybella Post-Care
Ice Packs For The First 12-Hours
Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours. Ice for 15 minutes every hour. However, icing can be discontinued if uncomfortable.
Do Not Wrap Treated Area
Do not wrap the treated area, and do not take anything to prohibit swelling.
Do Not Massage Injection Area
Do not massage the injection site. Swelling, tenderness, bruising, numbness, and areas of firm nodules may occur and will resolve over time without intervention.
Heaviness Following Treatment
You may feel a sense of heaviness following the treatment, especially when laying on your back. This sensation may make you feel short of breath. However, Kybella does not compromise your airway.
Avoid Extreme Heat For 24-Hours
Kybella patients should avoid extreme heat for 24 hours post treatment such as sitting in a jacuzzi and taking a hot shower.
No Intense Exercising For 24-Hours
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-hours post treatment.
Avoid These Products For 2-Days
Do not use the following products 2-days after your treatment (or until pinkness has subsided): Retin-A, retinoids, or similar vitamin A compounds, harsh scrubs or exfoliating products, or bleaching creams.
Sleep On Your Back With Head Elevated For 2-Nights
Sleep on your back with your head elevated to decrease swelling for the first 2-Nights.
Avoid Alcohol And Sodium For 3-Days
Do not consume alcohol or sodium for 3-days post treatment to avoid excess swelling.
Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Medications For 4-Days
Avoid anti-inflammatory or any other blood thinning medications 4-days post treatment. Medications such as: Aspirin, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil Supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.
Swelling and Bruising For 5-Days
You will experience swelling and bruising for 5 days post treatment, which will begin decreasing over a period of a few weeks. Swelling can last up to 6-weeks.
Concerns about Swelling or pain
Notify our office if any significant swelling, bleeding, pain, discoloration, difficulty swallowing or smiling, or if fever occurs.
Seeing Results
Results are not immediate. Results may be seen as early as 4-6 weeks post-treatment, but full results will not be noticed until 12-weeks post-treatment. Numbness can last up to 12-weeks.
Staying On Track
Many patients need 2-3 treatments for desired results. Please schedule a follow-up appointment 4-6 weeks after your first treatment to stay on track.